Physiotherapy General

Our Physiotherapist is here to help you with all of your pain and injury concerns and to help you regain your function regardless of your past-times, sport, or occupation.

Anyone is welcome to receive treatment through our physiotherapist including the following:

Kim has extensive experience in a wide range of clinical areas and she is able to use evidence-based techniques to help you manage most musculoskeletal, respiratory or neurological conditions you may be experiencing.

Some of the techniques she uses include:

From the sore neck or headaches from working too long at the computer, to an acute sporting injury, sore knees, or the shoulder injury that won’t improve, to Parkinson’s disease or bronchiectasis, our physiotherapist is skilled at developing a program that will best suit you and your condition. She will aim to improve your function and movement but also your quality of life. Below is a list of conditions Kim is skilled and experienced in managing and would love to help you with.

You can see Kim for a range of problems including:

Stock for Sale

  • Rigid
  • K-Tape
  • Tennis elbow
  • Wrist
  • Patella
  • Knee
  • Ankle
  • SIJ
  • Lumbar
  • Replacement electrodes

Antenatal and Postnatal Physiotherapy

There are so many changes that occur to the body during pregnancy to make room for your growing baby and to prepare you for delivery. Many women unfortunately feel pain or discomfort because of their changing body and some can also experience incontinence.

Some of the changes to your body are due to a hormone called ‘relaxin’ being released from as early as 6 weeks which begins to loosen your ligaments so your pelvis can stretch to allow for passage of the baby through the birth canal. This hormone effects the whole body though and can make you more prone to injury or pain due to the changes in your posture and body shape.

Incontinence is certainly common in pregnancy but is never ‘normal’ and can be treated. It is usually due to an increase in fluid and blood volume and the weight of your growing baby resting on your now softened pelvic floor and bladder. With some very simple, non-invasive exercises physiotherapy can reduce the effects of incontinence and in most cases stop it completely.

Physiotherapy can help you with the following problems during pregnancy:

After your baby is delivered physiotherapy can help you and your baby with the following:

Kim is a physiotherapist who has had the opportunity to work in the antenatal and postnatal wards at both the Mater Mothers Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. She has also spent a year working in the neonatal unit at the RBWH where she lead baby massage classes and developmental assessments on premature babies.

Make an appointment with Kim now. Call 39177237 or book now online.

Back Pain

Back pain can be anything from pain between the shoulder blades to pain in your lower back. Sometimes back pain is accompanied by pain or pins and needles that radiates in to the buttocks or to the legs and can cause weakness in the legs or feet. In some severe cases it can interfere with the nerves supplying the bladder or the bowel. Back pain can occur as a result of a traumatic acute event or it can develop over time and gradually worsen. It can be caused by a variety of things such as:

It is important that your symptoms are promptly assessed by either a doctor or a physiotherapist to rule out any sinister pathology. Our physiotherapist is very skilled at determining the cause of your back pain and will use her experience to provide you with the appropriate management and give you relief. Not only is early intervention known to help with your overall prognosis but you will also be shown ways to help prevent flare-ups.

Some of the techniques used to treat back pain include:

Make an appointment with Kim now to get your back pain under control.
Call 39177237 or book now online.

Carpal Tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway on the palm side of your wrist which has blood vessels, nerves and tendons running through it from your forearm to your hand. It is surrounded by bones and ligaments so it can’t expand. When the nerve running through the tunnel gets compressed or irritated it can cause tingling, numbness and weakness in the hand or forearm. Pregnancy, fluid retention and some workplace factors such as working with vibrating tools and prolonged or repetitive bending of the wrist can place you at higher risk of carpal tunnel.

Our physiotherapist is very experienced at managing carpal tunnel and will provide you with the appropriate exercises and advice to give you relief. Some of the techniques used to treat carpal tunnel include:

Make an appointment with Kim now to get your carpal tunnel settled down.
Call 39177237 or book now online.

Balance and Falls Prevention

Falls are a large concern for the older population especially as they can often lead to a terrifying cascade of events. 1 in every 3 older Australians (over 65years) will have had a fall in the last 12 months and of those, 1 in 5 will have required a hospital admission. Even if no injury was sustained, one fall often leads to a fear of falling. When someone is fearful of falling, they will often limit their outings, not walk or mobilise as often and as a result will become weaker and are even more likely to fall.

Most falls can be prevented with balance retraining, healthy habits and some awareness of the risks. Your physiotherapist at Green Tree Medical is trained in falls prevention and is experienced in recovery following a fall even for those who are quite fearful and frail. How can she help?

Our physiotherapist is highly experienced in the prevention of falls and balance retraining. Should you want to regain your confidence and independence, call now to make an appointment with Kim 39177237 or book now online.

Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck pain and headaches often go together and are commonly due to muscle tightness or stiff joints in the neck and upper back. Sometimes neck pain is accompanied by pain or pins and needles that radiates in to the arms and can cause weakness in the arms or hands. Neck pain and headaches are often caused by things such as:

Our physiotherapist is very skilled at determining the cause of neck pain and headaches and will use her experience to provide you with the appropriate management and give you relief. You will also be shown ways to help prevent flare-ups.

Some of the techniques used to treat neck pain and headaches include:

Make an appointment with Kim now to get your neck pain or headaches under control.
Call 39177237 or book now online.

Neurological Disorders

Neurological conditions such as Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Spinal Muscular Atrophy and others can be debilitating. These conditions can be associated with significant muscle weakness that may be stable or they may progressively worsen with time. All of these conditions can benefit from general physiotherapy strengthening and range of movement to maintain joint range but there may be some components of physiotherapy that you may not be aware of, or at least may not know you can receive in a private practice.

Prior to branching out in private practice, our physiotherapist Kim worked in acute hospitals for 15 years where she gained extensive experience in neurological conditions and their management.

Make an appointment with Kim now to get some assistance with your neurological condition. Call 39177237 or book now online.


There are a few different forms of arthritis, all of which can benefit from the help of a physiotherapist. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that effects mainly the hands, hips, knees, ankles and spine and is something that effects many people as they get older and the years of repetitive movement and sport start to pay a toll on the body.

Physiotherapy is an effective and conservative form of treatment for osteoarthritis and can involve techniques such as:

Make an appointment with Kim now to get some relief from your osteoarthritis. Call 39177237 or book now online.

Respiratory Physiotherapy

People with a variety of lung conditions will often have trouble with shortness of breath or difficulty managing their secretions. It is also important that people with these conditions know how to perform secretion clearance techniques and control their shortness of breath while they are well so that when they have an exacerbation they are better equipped to manage it. Some lung conditions that benefit from physiotherapy are:

Chest physiotherapy can be very simple or may need a combination of a few different techniques to give you the optimal outcome. Here are some of the techniques we can use:

Kim has worked in an acute hospital setting for more than 15years including intensive care, thoracic cystic fibrosis and respiratory units and is very experienced in respiratory physiotherapy. She has worked with people with all of the conditions listed above and is confident she can help you with your respiratory condition.

Make an appointment with Kim now to get your lung condition under control.
Call 39177237 or book now online.

Shoulder Pain/Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Shoulder pain is often caused by problems with the rotator cuff but can be due to other structures such as the acromio-clavicular joint or surrounding musculature too. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that form a cuff over the top of the arm and help to stabilise the shoulder.  Rotator cuff syndrome can include tendonitis (inflammation and irritation to the tendons), tears to the muscles or tendons, bursitis and shoulder impingement. Some causes of shoulder pain or rotator cuff syndrome are:


Risk Factors:

Our physiotherapist is very skilled at determining the cause of shoulder pain and will use her experience to provide you with the appropriate management and give you relief.

Some of the techniques used to treat shoulder pain and rotator cuff syndrome include:

Make an appointment with Kim now to get your shoulder pain on track. Call 39177237 or book now online.

Tennis Elbow/Golfers Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that happens when tendons in your elbow are overloaded, usually by repetitive movements of the wrist and arm. It is an overuse injury caused by repeated use of the forearm muscles that you use to straighten and raise your hand and wrist. Or in the case of golfers elbow repeated use of the muscles that you use to bend your elbow, grip and twist the wrist.

With tennis elbow people often feel pain and tenderness on the outside of their elbow whereas with golfers elbow, people experience pain at the inside of the elbow. The pain may radiate into your forearm and wrist and there may be weakness in the wrist or grip strength.

Make an appointment with Kim now to get your neck pain or headaches under control. Call 39177237 or book now online.

Baby Head Shape and Talipes

Whether it’s because of their position in utero or because of positioning once they are born, some babies can develop a preference for having their head turned to a particular side or their feet may rest in a turned in or turned out position. The head preference often comes with a flattening of the head on one side because they may always tend to sleep with their head turned to one side. Most of the time, these can be corrected with physiotherapy and do not need the old-style helmets or shoes/splints that were once used. 

Physiotherapy to help with head shape and head position preference can include:

To assist with Talipes (foot pulled up and turned in or out) Physiotherapy can involve:

Kim is a physiotherapist who has had the opportunity to work in the antenatal and postnatal wards at both the Mater Mothers Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. She has also spent a year working in the neonatal unit at the RBWH where she lead baby massage classes and developmental assessments on premature babies.

Make an appointment with Kim now. Call 39177237 or book now online.